9/10/76; 11/11/76




A.  Definition.

            1. Jehovah, JHWH in the Hebrew, is the personal name of each member of the Trinity, in contrast to Elohim, which is the name of God from the standpoint of His attributes.

            2. Elohim is a plural name. It refers to two or three members of the Trinity when it is used.

            3. Jehovah is a singular name and refers to a specific member of the Trinity.

            4. When the nomen JHWH occurred in the Old Testament, the Jews substituted the noun - ADONAI, because JHWH was a sacred name.

            5. Occasionally ADONAI and JHWH came together in the text, which created a problem. So they said ADONAI ELOHIM.

            6. This also explains how JHWH was translated in the Septuagint (LXX) as HO KURIOS.

            7. It is generally accepted that JHWH does not stand in the Hebrew text with its own vowels. But we do know that JHWH is related to a Hebrew verb HAJAH meaning “to be.” God exists. He has self-existence which is eternal and immutable. And the sacred name portrayed this principle. Hence, the root meaning of JHWH in English is “the self-existing One.”

            8. Being self-existing, all other beings owe their existence to Him. This is what was emphasized to Moses when he first heard the name.

            9. Three persons are JHWH:  the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each one is separate and distinct as a person. Therefore, JHWH is used for each one.

     10. Since each member of the Godhead has identical essence, the nomenclature to cover this doctrine is ELOHIM.


B.  Designation of JHWH.

            1. Since all the members of the Trinity are coequal and coeternal, all members are called by the name JHWH.

                        a. The Father, Isa 64:8.

                        b. The Son, Isa 45:21.

                        c. The Holy Spirit, Isa 11:2.

            2. Ninety percent of the time it is used for Jesus Christ because He is the revealed member of the Godhead. Likewise, each person in the Trinity is also called ELOHIM.

                        a. The Father, 1 Chron 29:10.

                        b. The Son, Isa 45:21.

                        c. The Holy Spirit, Ex 31:3.


C.  The Problem of Deut 6:4. “Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our Elohim is the unique Jehovah.” The Hebrew word ECHAD is a numerical used as an intensive pronoun. It means “same” or “unique.” Here it emphasizes the identity of Jesus Christ as the God of Israel.


D.  Compounds of Jehovah.

            1. JHWH JIRE, Gen 23:13-14. JIRE is the qal imperfect of RA`AH, meaning to see. The Lord saw everything in eternity past. He is the Jehovah of the decrees.

            2. JHWH ROPHEKA, Ex 15:26. This is the qal active participle of RAPHAH, which means “to heal, in the sense of providing.” “Jehovah who heals you.” God is the one who provides the basis for becoming a great nation by healing that nation of its illness of sin.

            3. JHWH NISI, Ex 17:15. “Jehovah my standard.” This is a battle standard or battle flag. The Hebrew noun NES means a banner.

            4. JHWH SHALOM, Judges 6:24. “Jehovah is prosperity.” He is the source of our escrow blessings for both time and eternity.

            5. JHWH RO`I, Ps 23:1. The qal active participle of RA`AH. “The Lord is the One who keeps on shepherding me, I cannot lack for anything.” This is a reference to logistical grace.

            6. JHWH TSIDQENU, Jer 23:6. “Jehovah our justice.” This is a prophetic title of Jesus Christ’s millennial rule. 7. JHWH SHAMMAH, Ezek 48:35. “Jehovah is there.” This is a title for the Lord in the Millennium.




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
